onigirifactory is the brainchild of elaine, more commonly known as plueonigiri/onigiri. she specializes in handcrafted items and japanese culture. onigirifactory is based in malaysia.
the name 'onigirifactory' was coined after a friend said "you're like a hallmark card factory' when i told them i've just finished making the usual 40+ christmas cards by hand. thus it prompted me to quip in return : 'yeah, except the only person on the production line is me.'
How to order ur hp pouch coz i'm interested to hav 1
Plez TQ
You can send me an email at plue_87@hotmail.com regarding any orders. Thanks!
okie n.n is it an msn add oso
Yes it is ^^ I will be online on weekends so you can get me on Friday, Saturday or Sunday nights ^^
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